All answers pertain to me and my practice, answers will vary reader to reader; practice to practice.
What is the “right” way to use tarot?
While it is true that tarot is a system it is also a practice that everyone uses for their own reasons. No two lives are the same and for that same reason no two connections shared with the tarot are the same.
Can I purchase my own deck? Even if its my first one?
Yes, of course you can!
There is a lot of speculation (like most historic aspects of tarot) as to where and when this requirement was initialized. A few reasons this is theorized:
Tarot used to be for the wealthy, to acquire a deck meant that unless you had money it needed to be bought for you.
Esoteric teachers wanted to keep the craft exclusive
Some readers waiting for the gift of tarot to come from a higher power or their spirit guides
Regardless of these thought to be reasons and many more, if you want to buy your own deck you absolutely can.
What is a spread?
An outline for a reading.
It will have a set number of cards and an assigned position, or meaning, for each card.
You can predict the future?
Yes and no. Depending on which spread is used or what context is applied to the reading we may see a glimpse of what’s to come. Then we are able to adjust, plan, and act accordingly to possibly change our outcome.
We may only use free will where fate does not already reside.